Various Museums buy from us. Amongst those sales are:
- Dommuseum Freising, near Munich (, one of the largest Church Museums worldwide after the Vatican Museum, has acquired a russian icon of St. Nicholas from us End of 2011.
- Icon-Museum Recklinghausen ( , the largest collection of icons in the west acquired several pieces from my fathers collection. Within the last years they did 3 major purchases from our gallery:
- Dommuseum Freising, near Munich (, one of the largest Church Museums worldwide after the Vatican Museum, has acquired a russian icon of St. Nicholas from us End of 2011.
- Icon-Museum Recklinghausen ( , the largest collection of icons in the west acquired several pieces from my fathers collection. Within the last years they did 3 major purchases from our gallery:

in 2010 from the BRENSKE GALLERY in conjunction with it's
Nine martyrs of Kyzikos
Palekh, ca. 1800
36,5 x 30,5 cm
Ikonen-Museum Recklinghausen Inv. Nr. 1214
36,5 x 30,5 cm
Ikonen-Museum Recklinghausen Inv. Nr. 1214
In 2008
Virgin with The Tree of Jesse
Greece, 1st quarter of 19th c.
33,9 x 24,1 cm
Inv. Nr. 1180
33,9 x 24,1 cm
Inv. Nr. 1180

In 2003
Saint Menas from Egypt
Crete, ca. 1500
27,3 x 22 cm
Inv. Nr. 1120
Published: E. Haustein-Bartsch, “Nicht nur vom Himmel gefallen…“ – Ankäufe und Schenkungen für
das Ikonen-Museum Recklinghausen seit 1983, S. 82, Nr 73 and Cover picture
27,3 x 22 cm
Inv. Nr. 1120
Published: E. Haustein-Bartsch, “Nicht nur vom Himmel gefallen…“ – Ankäufe und Schenkungen für
das Ikonen-Museum Recklinghausen seit 1983, S. 82, Nr 73 and Cover picture